Ensure trouble-free milking with the right pulsator.
Improper pulsation during milking can lead to extended milking times, teat damage, and ultimately reduced milk yield or even mastitis. Choosing a high-quality pulsator like the iGol AristoPulse can prevent these problems.
The AristoPulse is an advanced electronic pulsator that works with various milking machines. It features adjustable pulsation rates and ratios through internal switches, allowing for easy customization for different milking systems and animals. No need to replace parts – simply select the appropriate switch setting on the self-contained board for optimal performance.
– Programmable Pulsation: 50, 60, 62, 65, 90 or 120 Pulse/min.
– Programmable Milk/Rest Ratio: 50/50, 60/40, 65/35, 70/30
– Cycles Serving: Tow Clusters Simultaneously
– Programmable Stimulation: Optional (functions as a single pulsator serving
only one milking unit)
– Stimulation Duration: 20, 40, 60 or 90 sec.
– Can be installed on all types of milking machines and OEM brands for all
dairy animals’ milking.
– Much quieter than the conventional and older generation electronic
-Easy maintenance when required

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