Double Ended Beam

Double-ended beam load cells, also known as shear beam load cells robust sensors excel in heavy-duty applications by transforming applied force into a measurable electrical signal.




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  • Truck Scales and Weighbridges: Their ability to handle massive loads makes them the backbone of weighbridges used in transportation to ensure proper weight distribution and compliance with regulations.
  • Heavy-Duty Industrial Scales: From factory production lines to construction sites, double-ended beam cells are used in heavy-duty weighing applications for raw materials, finished products, and equipment.
  • Tank and Silo Weighing: These cells can be used for weighing large tanks or silos containing liquids, grains, or powders, enabling real-time inventory control and process monitoring.
  • Load Monitoring in Construction: Their robust design allows them to be used in critical construction applications like monitoring stress and strain in beams or supports of bridges and buildings.


Advantages :

Double-ended beam load cells offer several advantages:

  • High Capacity: They can handle significantly higher loads compared to other load cell designs.
  • Simple Design: Their straightforward construction translates to ease of installation and maintenance.
  • Durability: Made from high-grade steel, they are built to withstand harsh industrial environments.